Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Anti-Muslim Sentiment

After reading the Huffington Post's religion section from December, I'm learning that the anti-Muslim sentiment is hitting the internet in a huge way.
Many people, including Muslims are trending the #IslamLivesMatter in reaction to the 3 students shot at UNC a few weeks ago. By going viral, millions of more people are able to see the affects and supporters.

Muslims have been raising money towards these families affected and to many others affected in the San Benardino shooting, raising over $100,000 in just a few days. One of the 5 pillars of Islam is Charity and giving back to others. I think this is a huge step for them because they are not only being seen in a better light, but also demonstrating their religion because of it. The Director of Muslim Public Affairs Council, Haris Tarin stated in this article:
"When American Muslims are talked about in the public, it is constantly in a negative light. And what that does to an average person is that it then has an impact on how they view even normal interactions with those individuals."

If Americans knew the kind acts of these Muslims was also coming from their beliefs, they may not see them as the 'evil' people they believe them to be.

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