Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Jewish and Catholic Immigration

     Over the course of American history, various religious groups immigrated to our country. The two largest groups that we have learned about in our class have been the Jews and Catholics.
When the Jews began coming to America, they were very self affiliated. They wanted a new life and wanted to blend in with the other Americans that were already there. Many parents would worry about their children immigrating to our country, fearing that they would lose their faith. The Jews didn't create Jewish schools, orphanages or hospitals, rather, they would become more apart of our culture. 
     The Catholics, on the other hand, began to create their own communities. They build many schools, universities, orphanages, and hospitals. They came here to express their faith and have more religious freedom. They came to America after the Jews but grew faster than they did. There were many different kinds of Catholics that didn't seem to see eye to eye.
    However, both groups struggles with acceptance from the Protestants that were in America. They struggled with their faith and would be pictured as negative people that were no good. It took them over a hundred years to be seen as people who weren't evil. But still to this day, both religious groups face oppression and judgment from other religious groups. 

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